For the health and safety of our customers and employees, all graduation regalia is non-returnable.
Bachelors Degree Grad Packs
The Mizzou Alumni Association's Grad Pack includes everything you need for commencement, plus a year of MAA membership and all the benefits that come with it.
- Custom-embroidered gown
- One-size-flits-all mortar board cap
- Cap tassel & charm
- Mizzou Alumni medallion (can be worn during the ceremony)
- A year's worth of MAA membership and benefits:
- Local and national discounts
- Print issues of MIZZOU magazine
- MAA annual calendar
- Mizzou car decal
- and even more!
Order Your Grad Pack
Grad packs are available to be shipped.
To pay by credit card, please call 1(800)862-5866
To pay by student charge, please click here to fill out the grad pack order form.